What’s happening at Olive Hill?
Latest News
Friday 29th November will be a Mufti Day in school. Children may come to school in non-school uniform and in return we would ask that you bring in an item to support our school Christmas Fayre.
Friday 14th June will be a Mufti Day in school. Children may come to school in non-school uniform and in return we would ask that you bring in an item to support our school Summer Family Event.
Headteacher’s Blog
Happy Friday!
It has been another eventful week at school with four class performances, two nativity performances and two exhibitions.
Happy Thursday!
Our performance cycle started today with year three starting things off with their fantastic class performance on who was the most successful invader.
Happy Friday!
We can’t believe where this half term is going as it seems to be speeding by.
Happy Friday!
I must admit I was not expecting the snow this week and although it made the view from the back of school look rather beautiful, I am pleased it has now all melted. A huge thank you to Mr
Happy Friday!
Today the school was full of very spotty children! Thank you to all who made a donation today and Mrs Carpenter has informed me that so far, we have raised over £215 for the Children in Need
Happy Friday!
We hope all our families had a wonderful half term break and enjoyed spending some time making memories.
School Video
We would love to show you around our school in person. Please contact the school office to make a appointment. In the mean time we hope our video tour gives you a flavour of Olive Hill. Don’t hesitate to call the school office if you have any questions.